In 2025, Russia will launch a unique project—the “Potato Tour Across Russia.” This tour brings together participants from various sectors of the potato industry: from producers and processors to research centers and distributors. The project’s goal is to highlight Russian achievements in agriculture and create a platform for industry dialogue.
Main Goals of the Tour
- Professional Dialogue: Creating opportunities for experience exchange among key industry players.
- Showcasing Innovations: Presenting the latest technologies in potato cultivation, storage, and processing.
- Educational Events: Organizing seminars, workshops, and excursions.
- Media Coverage: Extensive promotion in media and social networks.
- International Cooperation: Attracting foreign partners for knowledge exchange and networking.
Tour Program
The tour will kick off in Moscow at the international exhibition “Technologies for the Production and Processing of Potatoes, Vegetables, and Fruits.” Exhibition topics include breeding and seed production, fertilizers and crop protection, agricultural machinery, post-harvest processing, industrial processing, storage, logistics, and sales. The general partner of this emblematic event will support the tour on January 22–24, 2025, at Crocus Expo, Moscow.