Due to the increasing freezing cold, the temperature above potatoes or onions in storage can drop quickly, if the air above is not heated. And the coldest nights are yet to come.

t is almost certain that moderate to severe freezes will occur every night in large parts of the country until next Sunday. Until yesterday, storage specialist Tolsma Grisnich has already known examples of a 3⁰C temperature difference between product and the air, without heating the air above the product. Then condensation threatens to form on the interface.
Electric heater
Paul den Engelsen works for Tolsma Grisnich in the east of the Netherlands, probably the coldest region in the coming days. He emphasizes the importance of heating. This also ensures air movement. “Preferably use an electric heater. With gas or diesel heaters, pay close attention to the CO₂ production. ”You can also initiate air movement by ventilating internally, but then the problem can move into the product if temperature differences arise there due to the suction effect in the product that cause condensation.
Den Engelsen recommends draining any moisture and replacing CO₂ by opening the outer door in doses. Preferably in the afternoon, when the maximum temperature is reached. The daily temperature trend is likely to be very high in the coming days. During the day, the temperature in the sun and with little wind can reach close to freezing.
Older storage
Delphy advisor Paul Hooijman, who works in the provinces of Flevoland and Noord-Holland, agrees. “No situation is the same. Check whether the trusses are well insulated and whether the shutters close properly, especially in older storage sheds. If you have a room for sorting, you can ventilate internally by making use of this room where it does not freeze. I don’t expect any problems with new storage buildings with a central aisle. ”