Sweden’s Potato Crisis: Drought Threatens Local Potato Supply for 2023
Sweden’s potato farmers are facing a bleak outlook for the 2023 harvest, as the country grapples with an ongoing drought ...
Sweden’s potato farmers are facing a bleak outlook for the 2023 harvest, as the country grapples with an ongoing drought ...
Dutch potato growers faced a challenging season marked by heavy rain, blight pressure, and labor shortages, but early planting and ...
Mexico's agricultural crisis caused by droughtMexico is struggling with an increasingly severe drought that has had a dramatic impact on ...
Despite the very dry summer of 2022 and heavy rainfall and frost in 2023, which affected up to 10%caused harvest ...
#Agriculture #Mediterraneanregion #Drought #Waterscarcity #Climatechange #Sustainableagriculture #Cropprotection #Innovation #PataFESTproject The Mediterranean region has long grappled with the harsh reality of ...
Explore the fascinating relationship between dry days and root growth in crops as recent research sheds light on this counterintuitive ...
#potato #abioticstress #drought #heat #salinity #tolerance #breeding #irrigation #fertilization #biostimulants #biocontrol #interdisciplinaryresearch #sustainableagriculture Potatoes are one of the most important ...
#drought #cropswitching #EastAnglia #UKfarming #climatechange #agriculture #sustainablefarming #sugarbeet #pulses East Anglia, one of the UK's main farming regions, faces drought ...
Climate change is aggravating the impact of droughts on all plant ecosystems worldwide. Although new tools have been developed to ...
At a time when climate change is making many areas of the planet hotter and drier, it's sobering to think ...
The technology to ensure the resistance of the most important agricultural crops to water shortages is being jointly developed by ...
The drought that has been declared for parts of England will result in a poor quality potato crop and significant ...
The French government activated a crisis unit to deal with the worst drought on record, and warned conditions could get ...
The project is not the first time China has attempted to direct water to Xinjiang and relocate a greater number ...
This is now also shown by the drought monitor from the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Experts say that this year’s drought will result in a smaller potato crop in North Dakota’s Red River Valley area, ...
Heat and dryness have been the story of the summer this year in southern Idaho. With record heat, crops — ...
This year’s drought is on its way to becoming the worst the Prairies have ever recorded and the worst ever in ...
High heat in the early summer can lead to reduced yield and deformed potatoes on farmers, said Washington State Potato ...
A study determined that the types of Creole potato have high resistance to water stress in dry seasons.
We've been irrigation the potatoes intensively for several weeks now, with increasingly tight shifts
After conducting experiments with treatments to improve the behavior of a Creole potato crop under conditions of water deficit
As a historic drought ravages farms and ranches throughout the Klamath Basin on the California-Oregon border there are visible signs ...
demonstrate the tolerance of some varieties after having subjected them to a water deficit
National Potato Council elected LaJoie, potato farmer, president of the Washington, D.C.-based interest group
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