Grower knows what causes compaction, but does not always act accordingly
Soil compaction occurs on all soils in the Netherlands. Growers know what the causes are, but do not always act accordingly. According ...
Soil compaction occurs on all soils in the Netherlands. Growers know what the causes are, but do not always act accordingly. According ...
Soil moisture levels can have a huge effect on how your potato yield and quality.
New research on Prince Edward Island is using mustard and arugula to tackle pest problems in potato fields with a side ...
Under the impulse of the Ecological Focus Area, the use of green manure mixtures is now commonplace. Mixtures have advantages in ...
In order to provide the plant with an even more targeted watering, Delphy has set up trials at two companies ...
When growing potatoes, the pH of the soil is important. It affects susceptibility to diseases.
A group of researchers in Canada are using precision agriculture to map field management zones.
In some species and in some crops, pest monitoring requires the use of additional tools. In many cases, their purchase is ...
The tests are carried out on two potato plots with sandy and clay soil
Soil pH affects many aspects of crop production, especially nutrient availability. Most of our main field crops like a neutral ...
Researchers will use artificial intelligence in an attempt to identify nematodes (the destructive kind as well as beneficial) more rapidly ...
fumigation with chloropicrin is reported to actually increase the population of the fungus Trichoderma spp.
P.E.I. potato growers estimates cost of wireworm damage to crops at $5 million a year
how to stimulate soil life that is favorable for plant growth
What form the basis of the usable soil capacity?
Gypsum as a source of calcium has again come to the fore as a quick way to improve soil structure
Today many producers make use of technology to monitor everything related to the use of irrigation in their lots and ...
Chemigation in drip-irrigated crops allows for the delivery of systemic insecticides through irrigation water directly to the root system.
This is evident from a recent inventory by Eurofins Agro of three crops: maize, grassland and ware potatoes. Too low ...
Several studies and multi-year practical experience have shown that shallow plowing has clear advantages over the usual plowing depth of ...
shallow plowing in spring on heavy clay can be beneficial, provided this is combined with a green cover.
The insect monitoring network in potato fields I operate across Washington’s Columbia Basin provides growers information about where and when ...
On November 19, the Xunta announced the lifting of the ban on planting potatoes in nine other municipalities in the ...
Drip system maintenance lengthens drip life and improves farm profitability. Don Anthony, Anthony Land Company, Lexington, NE Farmers are investing ...
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