Gözde Ziraî invites you to a unique online conversation with the company’s Marketing Director, Metin Sut. In this interview, he will talk about his role at Gözde Ziraî, share development plans, and reveal details about the upcoming POTATO DAY TÜRKİYE, scheduled to take place from August 19 to 21, 2025, in Avanos (NEVSEHIR), TÜRKİYE. For more information about the event, please visit the official website: https://www.dlgfuarcilik.com/patates-gunleri.
The interview also delves into the history of Gözde Ziraî: from its founding in 1995 and the creation of its first farm in 2002, to the transition to second-generation leadership in 2012, the signing of a cooperation agreement with HZPC in 2017, and obtaining the status of a private agricultural R&D institution in 2019. To learn more, visit the company’s official website: https://gozdezirai.com.tr.
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