Life stages: eggs, larvae, pupae, adult beetles. The Colorado potato beetle (CPB) is one of the most serious insect pests...
Read moreDetailsThe Canada-Manitoba Crop Diversification Center (CMCDC) is looking for ways to reduce the labor involved in removing green potato vines...
Read moreDetailsEthiopia has given the green light to carry out observation field trials for genetically modified potatoes that are said to...
Read moreDetailsDue to the present fertilizer shortage and rising production costs, efficient nitrogen fertilization is becoming more and more important. Years...
Read moreDetailsMembers of the Global Culinary Innovators Association (GCIA) learned about potato trends and witnessed a culinary demonstration at the Potatoes...
Read moreDetailsAs a national wireworm research project wraps, growers have more ways to control the pest. When Christine Noronha first started...
Read moreDetailsConsumer potato growers in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France will harvest 7 to 11 percent less potatoes this season....
Read moreDetailsWith the exception of starch potato varieties, at this time of year the crop is in most cases shaped. So...
Read moreDetailsRecognizing agricultural sustainability is easier than describing it. A fact made more challenging now that we’ve started to use words like...
Read moreDetailsGrowing up, Mike Nemeth was really into science topics, like recycling and even conservation. Oddly enough, he later went to...
Read moreDetailsHeavy storms (25 to 60mm) have caused some hope in France, Germany, Belgium, and up through Eastern/Central Holland, but agronomists...
Read moreDetailsPotatoes can suffer from heat stress when temperatures rise. Heat stress severity depends on 1) how hot it gets, 2)...
Read moreDetailsFewer potatoes produced in 2021 THE total area of potatoes in Belgium decreased by 7,418 hectares in 2021, according to...
Read moreDetailsThe Lima-based International Potato Center’s (CIP) work to reduce hunger and malnutrition, boost farmer resilience, and catalyze income improvements generated...
Read moreDetailsAn agricultural agreement between Venezuela and Iran provides for Tehran to cultivate one million hectares of land on Venezuelan territory,...
Read moreDetailsDue to significant rises in input costs, fertilizer, and fuel predominantly, but also because of rainfall lack that’s becoming a...
Read moreDetailsBased on the results of quarantine phytosanitary monitoring, the North-Western Interregional Directorate of Rosselkhoznadzor has abolished quarantine phytosanitary zones for...
Read moreDetailsAuthor: Dr. Eugenia Banks, Potato Specialist with the Ontario Potato Board. Article reviewed by Dr. Jiwan Palta.Published here with permission. Dr...
Read moreDetailsThe USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the J.R. Simplot Company signed a memorandum of agreement on June 28, outlining...
Read moreDetailsWhen entomologist Andy Jensen visits with potato growers about insects and diseases that can cause significant damage to their crops,...
Read moreDetailsAccording to Limestone Coast potato grower Terry Buckley, his produce can continue to be priced sensibly. This, while the cost...
Read moreDetailsNew collaborative project NATURAL organisms found in soil and their use as novel fungicides is being explored in a new...
Read moreDetailsNorth-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) analysts recently announced their first estimates for the EU-04 zone potato area in 2022, talking...
Read moreDetailsAAFC scientist, Dr. Christine Noronha has been named one of seven 2022 Influential Women in Canadian Agriculture by Annex Business...
Read moreDetailsBritish potato growers should switch to new Syngenta 3D ninety nozzles to ensure more timely blight applications this season – and achieve...
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