The laboratory of primary seed production of the Chuvash State Agrarian University has been working for the third year to improve the technology for obtaining pre-base seed material of potato varieties of domestic selection.
As part of the potato breeding and seed production subprogram, Russian breeders have created promising potato varieties. Some of them are being tested in the Chuvash GAU – Samba, Zumba, Salsa, Terra, Flame, Gulliver, Alaska. In the process of work, technologies for obtaining pre-base potato seed material are being improved and the optimal technology for each particular variety is selected, which will ensure the maximum output of mini-tubers from both one micro-plant and from a unit of area.

Seed production of little-known potato varieties is a huge risk for the producer. In the Chuvash State Agrarian University, this is well understood, therefore, offering seed farms mini-clubs of new varieties, university specialists conduct agronomic support and, based on their research, give recommendations on the cultivation of a single variety.
The interest of agricultural producers in the seed material of new potato varieties is increasing every year. The varieties that are being tested at the University have proven themselves very well in different regions of the country. The Chuvash State Agrarian University has been cooperating with some potato growers for several years. According to researchers, this year the number of applications received for seed material of promising domestic potato varieties has increased, so the university has increased the area under their production.