Potato growers hope mustard and arugula combo will prevent pests and make soil healthier
When the mustard is incorporated into the ground, it acts as a natural biofumigant New research on P.E.I. is using ...
When the mustard is incorporated into the ground, it acts as a natural biofumigant New research on P.E.I. is using ...
Many say cover crops only really work in no-till systems
Two advisors and a researcher recently discussed the most important issues about green manures in an online meeting during the ...
In pivot or subsurface irrigated systems, we have noted a 9% to 12% increase in net returns over a six-year ...
They say everything’s bigger in Texas. But when it comes to potatoes, the state sits just 13th in acres harvested. Only about ...
A rotation is more than not getting sick of a crop, it is also about keeping the soil healthy gezond
Green manures are used to the maximum. A building plan with potatoes, onions
The Canadian government is launching a new climate plan for the country’s agriculture sector, the government says in a news ...
special project is the cultivation of seed potatoes together with facelia, Persian clover, buckwheat, flax and summer vetch
cultivate for a long time on fertile clay soil without supplying organic and artificial fertilizers from outside
Nyiraneza and Oyster Cove Farms of Hamilton, P.E.I., recently completed a two-year study that tested the performance of cover crops ...
Through the Innovative Farmers programme, four farmers located in Shropshire and Lancashire are looking at an alternative control method that ...
Autumn is beginning to tinge the boxelder trees along the banks of the Little Wood River with vibrant yellows, oranges ...
Incorporating a cover crop into commercially grown potatoes could help with soil health and pest pressures. Research is being conducted ...
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