Ozone during storage and logistics of potatoes – 2. Review of “pros & cons”
Ozone is electrified air, similar to the air that humans breathe, and it can be used to kill bugs, fungus ...
Ozone is electrified air, similar to the air that humans breathe, and it can be used to kill bugs, fungus ...
There is more to the long-term storage of potatoes than sprout suppressants. Here we examine five main considerations
Nothing was more threatening or destructive than the loss that results in a pile of good quality potatoes from ...
Рroblem that is apparent only after the potatoes are unloaded is pressure bruise.
Management of wound healing comes from the initial conditions potatoes are exposed to after harvest.
The range in environmental conditions during harvest can be vast depending upon daily weatherand time of day. “Ideal” harvest conditions ...
Blackspot bruising is a quality concern no matter what market of the industry a potato is destined
Very few things can ruin the market value of a good crop as fast as too much bruise.
Storages and handling equipment should be cleaning and sanitized before and after use
Storage cleaning and disinfection is important, especially to minimize disease carryover from one season to the next
Cleaning and disinfectant can help prevent spread of the following potato diseases:
Agri Rootz, founded in 2011 by Bauke and Marije Schreuder, is dedicated to providing optimal storage solutions for agricultural businesses. ...
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