Last year’s brutally hot and dry late season conditions across some of Canada’s key, non-irrigated potato growing regions are translating into a bad/good news supply situation for seedstock producers. If there was ever a year to invest proactive effort into your seed potato pile, this is that year.
In regions affected by the heat and dry, many seed potato producers suffered much lower yield than originally projected. The tubers those producers did get into storage last fall might have looked okay rolling onto the pile, but will be carrying drought-related physiological stress which will lead to reduced dormancy, earlier sprouting, and much more significant shrink. On the positive side, however, low supply means there’ll be market demand for every seedstock tuber available. I’ve already been hearing of multiple growers being asked to sell as seedstock piles originally destined for table sale. As such, expect higher pricing for all seedstock in 2021.

Maximizing your seedstock pile will take a careful eye and timely management. Admittedly, seed potato producers don’t have a lot of available options in the sprout-management toolbox. About 80 per cent of farmers manage sprouts by keeping their storage as cold as possible, then chitting their seed as necessary. Relying only on temperature and chitting is risky and costly, especially in a year like this when tubers will be raring to push sprouts, since every sprout removed takes a portion of that tuber’s salable weight and its growing-season vigour with it.
A much better option is to take advantage of nature’s own solution.
Potatoes rely on a hormone called 1,4 Dimethylnapthalene (1,4 DMN), produced inside the tuber in the fall, to hold back sprout growth and maintain dormancy. In spring, the hormone volatilizes away, allowing the tuber to start pushing sprouts in preparation for a new growing season.
Synthetically produced 1,4 DMN (sold as 1,4 SEED) works exactly the same way, but allows a producer control over dormancy’s timing. Registered in Canada since 2012 for use on seed potatoes, 1,4 SEED is the only dormancy-extending option available to Canadian seedstock producers. 1,4 SEED also offers the added benefit of breaking apical dominance in almost all the varieties we tested, leading to a more uniform plant stand and more effective in-season management.
As of last year, about 20 per cent of Canadian seedstock producers took advantage of 1,4 SEED. I expect that number to jump as producers increasingly appreciate the critical importance of in-storage management to their bottom line.

- 1,4SEED® is an essential tool for managing seed potatoes and providing a seed grower with maximum flexibility.
- ♦ Stabilizes dormancy to maximize seed vigor at time of planting.
- ♦ Keeps potatoes dormant even in storage bins warmed during partial shipments.
- ♦ Helps reduce shrink to provide more salable product weight.
- ♦ Encourages uniform plant emergence in the field.
- ♦ Reduces the negative impact of apical dominance in certain varieties.
The active ingredient is a molecule that is natural to the potato. Once applied, it penetrates through the potato skin, enhancing and restoring dormancy. The sprout suppression is temporary in nature and fully reversible. It dissipates out of the potato over time, depending upon storage temperature, the amount of ventilation and the rate that is applied.
Use 1,4SEED® on lots that have been stressed and show limited dormancy after harvest. Early applications can help reduce the impact of bruising, reduce shrink, and provide a more salable product weight at the end of the storage season.
Potatoes with 1,4SEED® can greatly reduce the effect of apical dominance of the variety. When the seed comes out of dormancy all eyes emerge at the same time. Even emergence helps with increased yields, size distribution, weed control and pathogen control.
1,4SEED® can re-establish dormancy for seed lots that have begun showing signs of peeping but have time left in storage. It is also an excellent seed grower’s tool for those bins that were warmed up so a partial shipment could be made to customers and now the remainder must wait some time before planting. 1,4SEED® will keep your potatoes healthy and vigorous for when they hit the ground.
1,4SEED® can be used successfully on all common varieties of seed potatoes with treatments that normally occur January through March, depending upon the anticipated planting date. 1,4SEED® applications can be made up to 30 days before planting. Contact your applicator for details on treatment for specific varieties, storage conditions and dormancy expectations.