IKEGO relies on fast construction progress
The construction of a new potato storage facility on the K 122 near Hankensbüttel is progressing further. The Industrial Potato Producer Association (IKEGO) has cleared important approval hurdles in a very short time and wants to start storage in early autumn.
During the last meetings of the construction committee and the municipal council, the vote on the development plan proceeded quickly. After a previous change to the land use plan, the interpretation decision is now being prepared so that the public has 30 days to inspect and comment.
IKEGO CEO Manfred Dralle is confident that the operation can be started by mid-September at the latest. “I would be satisfied if it works out by the middle of this month to store potatoes,” he explained.
Making potato storage efficient
IKEGO is looking for the most efficient solution for the transport and storage of potatoes. According to Dralle, transporting individual boxes is not a sensible option: “That would be stupid.” Instead, an optimized logistics for the operation is aimed at.
The construction project is ambitious and follows a tight schedule. According to Volker Warnecke of the Warnecke planning office from Braunschweig, it is crucial that the development plan is quickly established as a statute. This is the only way the warehouse can be fully operational in 2025.
Support from politics and agriculture
The political representatives of the municipality of Hankensbüttel support the project, as Mayor Dirk Köllner (CDU) emphasized: “We are doing everything that is possible.” According to Dralle, the suppliers are also united behind the project.
The new deposit will make an important contribution to the efficiency of potato logistics in the region. But it remains to be seen whether the ambitious deadlines can be met.
What does this development mean for the potato industry?
Do you see new storage facilities like this as an opportunity for more sustainable and efficient storage of potatoes? Discuss with us in the comments!