The ‘Next Generation’ line of Phytopthora resistant varieties of trading house Agrico has been growing steadily since the start in 2016. This year a turnover of 15,000 tons is planned with nine different varieties for different segments.
In 2018 the turnover amounted to no more than 1000 tons. According to Agrico, the rapid increase in turnover shows the added value of sustainable potato varieties that require less crop protection. Thanks to the knowledge gained worldwide with the new generation of potato varieties, Agrico sees the yield and demand increase further. The large industries are also buying more and more.
Multiple defense mechanisms
Due to the breadth of the package, growers can choose to grow multiple varieties with different resistance genes in combination, in order to spread the risk of crop loss. With the latest variety Beyonce, which has recently been placed on the Variety List, Agrico has a variety that, depending on the prevailing Phytopthora pressure and virulence strains, can boast multiple defense mechanisms against the disease.
The ‘Next Generation’ varieties have been shown worldwide in English on the site since November 2019. The site also has a Dutch version. Due to the corona pandemic that accelerated digitization, extra investments were made in online marketing.
Experience worldwide
Phytophthora? Who isn’t familiar with it! A well-known potato disease throughout the world. Controlling it, is essential to maintain a healthy crop and obtain a good yield. Since 2016 Agrico offers potato varieties in the Next Generation range. These potato varieties now grow in many countries, are resistant to Phytophthora (late blight) and ensure that the potato’s growth process is not disrupted by the disease. This means that Agrico’s clients will continue to feed many mouths throughout the world.
Romagnoli F.lli about Levante
Giulio and Grazia Romagnoli, managing directors at Romagnoli F.lli, are very enthusiastic. “Agrico’s Next Generation varieties offer a great opportunity to increase the ecological and economic sustainability for the agricultural food chain in Italy.” The Next Generation varieties that Romagnoli F.lli purchase from Agrico are: Levante, Alouette, Twister, Jacky and Carolus.

Levante is special because, in Italy it is suitable for all production areas, which are different in nature. “In addition to its natural resistance to Phytophthora (late blight) it is a very robust and productive variety in comparison to other varieties.
Levante is in Italy available in our “Zero residues” packed product range. Italian consumers who buy Levante are sensitive and attentive to environmental issues and food safety. We notice that growers who buy Levante prefer a more sustainable potato crop and they are very satisfied with the yield.
Weuthen GmbH about Beyonce
Johannes Beckers, buyer of organic seed potatoes at Weuthen GmbH: “I think that the Next Generation provides a food supply, a high yield, and good quality potatoes with fewer chemicals being used.” As far as he is concerned a very big step in the right direction.

The German agricultural trading company purchases the following Agrico varieties: Beyonce, Carolus, Alouette, Levante, Twister and Twinner. Beyonce is the latest addition to their portfolio . “With its high yield and suitability for crisping combined with the Phytophthora-resistance this variety is becoming increasingly popular in our German market”.
Agrico Nordic about Carolus
Lars-Inge Nilsson, sales representative for Agrico Nordic in Sweden, loves to tell about his experience with Next Generation potatoes: “It is very important to take care of more than the next generation. We must also take care of the generations after that.” This is possible with these potato varieties. The Next Generation range available in Sweden includes Carolus, Twister, Alouette, Jacky and Beyonce.
“Carolus, for example, is one of our best potatoes. Multipurpose, mealy but they do not fall apart after cooking. And don’t forget with a good yield. It is a perfect alternative to our King Edward variety which is widely used in Sweden but not as sustainable. Favourite dishes with using Carolus are baked potatoes or French Fries. Carolus is popular among both conventional and organic Swedish growers.
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