Potato growers hope mustard and arugula combo will prevent pests and make soil healthier
When the mustard is incorporated into the ground, it acts as a natural biofumigant New research on P.E.I. is using ...
When the mustard is incorporated into the ground, it acts as a natural biofumigant New research on P.E.I. is using ...
Many say cover crops only really work in no-till systems
Some of the species cover crops we select, their exudates actually suppress some of the pathogens for our potatoes,” said ...
#WildflowerResearch #NaturalMedicine #SustainableAgriculture #PlantBasedCosmetics Viola arvensis, also known as field pansy, is a small and unassuming wildflower that is often ...
#ViciaSativaInAgriculture #SustainableFarming #NitrogenFixation #CoverCrops #SoilHealth #AllelopathicEffects #EnvironmentalImpact #FoodSystem #CropYields Description: Vicia sativa, commonly known as the Common Vetch, is a ...
They reduce sheet and rill soil erosion, decrease ephemeral gully erosion, manage water flow, stabilize steep slopes, and trap sediment.
Under the impulse of the Ecological Focus Area, the use of green manure mixtures is now commonplace. Mixtures have advantages in ...
Due to (global) logistics problems in the supply of raw materials, the supply of various crop protection products is becoming ...
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