The future of potato crop production is a hot topic at Potatoes in Practice (PiP), the UK’s largest field-based potato event on Thursday 8 August in Dundee.
Hosted by the James Hutton Institute, in partnership with the SRUC (Scotland’s Rural College) and Agrii, the event showcases a variety of demonstrations, cutting-edge research, trade exhibits, and a wealth of knowledge from experts in the field – making it a must-visit for those in the potato industry.
This year’s event looks at how the potato community can unite to futureproof the industry. A range of seminars takes place, led by prominent industry and science figures such as Mark Taylor from GB Potatoes, Mike Wilson from the Seed Potato Organisation, Faye Richie from ADAS, Mercedes Torres from B-Hive and Graham Tomlin from VCS Potatoes.
The seminars cover
- ‘Supporting our future industry’, the latest from GB Potatoes and the Seed Potato Organisation (sponsors of the event), with feedback from the National Potato Innovation Centre (NPIC) stakeholder workshops earlier in the year.
- ‘Innovation in potato’ a dive into the innovations being developed across the sector and the outlook for the future.
- ‘Virus, the problem and how to control it’ with contributions from VCS Potatoes, and, James Hutton Limited.
- ‘Fight Against Blight (FAB)’, an update on The Hutton-led initiative which aims to protect Britain’s potato crop against late blight, and ‘An update on fungicide resistance guidelines’ courtesy of ADAS.