Potato growers in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France and the United Kingdom are due to reduce their acreage next year. That is the urgent call of the umbrella growers’ organisation NEPG. Next year more grain and fewer potatoes; Is that the solution to the dent that the potato sales have suffered from corona? Or should we leave it to the market? Vote for the new poll on Akkerwijzer.nl: Grow fewer potatoes in NW-Europe; for a better price, that will have to be.

Grow fewer potatoes in NW-Europe; for a better price, that will have to be
- Once, enter a mandatory 1 in 5 cultivation everywhere. That gives the market and the ground air, and it’s easy to control.
- Once, it’s going to be tough, but we all have the same goal in mind. That makes us stronger towards the manufacturing industry.
- Once, if trade unions like NEPG are going to pull the cart, that has to be realized.
- Disagree, it is not necessary, because this is only a temporary dip. If this corona crisis is averted, the market will come back. There only has to be a crop somewhere and there is a shortage.
- Disagree, we’re with too many frogs in that one wheelbarrow. At the end of the day, everyone chooses for themselves and we’re all losers.
- Disagree, when it comes down to it, we are still on the line of industry and contracts.
Vote on the survey site https://www.akkerwijzer.nl/artikel/365093-poll-minder-aardappelen-telen-in-nw-europa-voor-een-betere-prijs-zal-dat-moeten/