Due to the ban on CIPC, the storage of potatoes is more expensive than ever. With the current low prices, it has become unaffordable to keep free potatoes germ-free. This is the view of the Northwestern European potato growers organization NEPG.
In the five countries that are members of the NEPG (the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France and England), growers are concerned about the potatoes in storage. CIPC is no longer allowed, the alternatives work less well or are not sufficiently available. There are reports of germinating potatoes in storage in all NEPG countries. Many free chips potatoes have already been sold for export, animal feed, starch industry or biogas, according to NEPG.
The growers’ organization is concerned about the current potato market. NEPG does not foresee any major changes in the demand for potatoes in the coming weeks. Prices are extremely low due to the corona crisis. A further shrinkage of area is therefore necessary, says the organization. In October, the NEPG called for Northwest European growers to shrink by 15 percent in the 2021 cultivation season, now the organization is adjusting this to 15 to 20 percent.
Greater home consumption of fresh potatoes
The only bright spot in these times is that in all NEPG countries an increase is visible in the home consumption of fresh potatoes. An average growth of 11 percent was measured over the five countries. Exports are also continuing well. The increasing demand from Africa is striking. The Netherlands sold considerably more in Africa: 58,200 tons, with Senegal as its main customer.
The NEPG follows the developments surrounding Brexit. The organization cannot yet estimate what the effects of this will be on the potato market.