According to a recent Irish Farmers Association (IFA) report, in Europe, potato supply and demand are described as “generally balanced.” Also, there are some encouraging signs that the potato trade volumes are at last starting to return to pre-pandemic levels.
“Buyers are still mostly using old crop, but there will be more new crop Whites in the markets next week as well as the first new crop Reds,” explained the IFA’s experts.
In Great Britain, the old potato crop is now moving with much more confidence. Some contacts report good volume trade including sales to peelers in the UK and Ireland.
The report sees also that the old season packing quality material continues to tighten. In addition, the majority of growers are reporting empty stores for the past number of weeks.
“Some liftings of early maincrop Rooster have commenced this week although it will be another couple of weeks before any significant volumes are available. The Queen market remains buoyant as liftings finish in more parts of the country. The peeling trade continues to prosper as the holiday season continues. Prices above €220 a tonne being quoted,” added the quoted IFA’s experts.