In agriculture of the republic, there is an increase in the pace of renewal of the fleet of machines.
Thus, in four months of this year, agricultural producers of Dagestan purchased 118 units of various agricultural equipment, which is 31% more than in the same period last year. Including more purchased tractors and combine harvesters. At the same time, 60% of the equipment was purchased on the terms of preferential leasing, 40% – at full cost at the expense of agricultural producers’ own funds.
Priority attention is paid to strengthening their technical base by such farms as Sirius LLC and Niva LLC of the Kizlyar region, Vinogradar LLC and DZIV-2 LLC of the Derbent region, Ganakaev A.Ya. Babayurtovsky district, KFH “Adzhigaitkanova S.” Nogai district and LLC “Batyr-Broiler” Khasavyurt district. They account for 70% of republican purchases of agricultural machinery.
Agricultural producers mainly purchase high-performance and advanced agricultural machinery capable of introducing modern technologies into production. For example, 5 Kirovets power-packed tractors, 2 high-performance grain harvesters TORUM and ACROS were purchased, which can be successfully used for harvesting various crops, including rice, 2 mobile grain dryers, 2 scrapers-planners with an automatic system process control, which will improve the reclamation condition of lands, save water resources and significantly increase the yield of rice and other crops.
The projected volume of purchases of agricultural machinery in the current year is 700 million rubles, while the main emphasis of the economic entities of the agro-industrial complex of the republic is on the use of the preferential leasing mechanism.