The export of Dutch ware potatoes is still experiencing the consequences of the corona pandemic. In total, the Netherlands exported 520,992 tons of ware potatoes between April 2020 and March 2021. This is 110,000 tonnes less than in the 2019/2020 season. The total export of seed potatoes decreased from 658,574 tons in March 2020 to 614,903 tons in March 2021 (-6.6 percent). Seen over the past five years, seed potatoes have seen a total export decline of 14 percent.

In March, 23,729 tons of potatoes were exported from the Netherlands to Belgium. This is more than 3,000 tons more than the 20,634 tons of potatoes in February. This means that the Zuiderburen are and will remain our largest potato buyer. Germany follows in second place with 3,769 tonnes. This is 3,000 tons less than in February. Total exports to the EU member states amounted to 38,918 tons in March. EU exports of Dutch squeakers in the period April 2019 to March 2020 were still 489,293 tons; in the same period 2020/2021 it decreased to 320,662 tonnes. A decrease of 168,631 tonnes (-34.5 percent). This is evident from recent figures from the NAO.
Other sales countries
The African countries took over some of these Dutch ware potatoes. In the aforementioned period, this increased from 80,449 tons to 125,636 tons. Ivory Coast (27,997 tons), Mauritania (20,858 tons) and Senegal (39,462 tons) were especially important sales markets. However, no exports to Senegal took place last month. The pagers also found their way into the Americas. Exports to these countries increased to 53,479 tons in the past 12 months. This is more than 10,000 tons more than in 2019/2020. Trinidad and Tobago is an important market for this. Over the past 12 months, 16,275 tons were shipped to this country and 1,729 tons in March. Exports to Asian countries increased from 6,224 to 14,068 tons. Sri Lanka accounted for a large part of this. This country purchased 9,406 tons against only 995 tons in 2019/2020.
Export seed potatoes
The export of Dutch seed potatoes also continues to show a downward trend. For example, the March 2021 export figure to other EU countries decreased compared to March 2020 from 323,453 tons to 307,565 tons (-4.9 percent). In the other European countries, 42,770 tons of potatoes were sold last month, against 50,115 tons in March 2020. This brings total European exports to 350,335 tons last March, against 373,658 tons in March 2020. This can be concluded from the monthly report of the Dutch Potato Organization (NAO). Exports to Asian countries rose to 121,459 tons last month from 105,917 tons in March 2020. To African countries, with 125,528 tons of seed stocks, 19.8 percent less was shipped last month compared to March 2020, when 156,525 tons left for the African continent.

Decline in total exports
Total Dutch seed stocks exports decreased from 658,574 tons in March 2020 to 614,903 tons in March 2021. Total seed exports have also shown a declining trend over the past five years. For example, 715,540 tons were exported in March 2017. After that, this export figure decreased to 637,209 tons (2018), 600,840 tons (2019), 658,574 tons (2020) and 614,903 tons (2021). A decrease of 14 percent within five years.