When it comes to potato production in the United States, the Russet variety reigns supreme. Renowned for its versatility in...
Pseudomonads produce a wide array of antimicrobial compounds including 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), which possess a broad-spectrum antagonistic effect against phytopathogens. Rhizospheric...
The 1840s Irish potato famine stands as a stark reminder of the devastating impact plant diseases can have on food...
Bolivia's potato heritage is as rich as its diverse landscapes. With over 2,400 varieties of native potatoes, the country is...
Epitrix tuberis and E. cucumeris are major pests of potatoes in North America. E. tuberis causes the most serious damage because the larval feeding can...
The Si-POTA project, spearheaded by students Satrio Budi Arifin, Ahmad Ardiansyah, Fadhila Khatami Putra, Anggita Nurisa Maharani, and Chosy Isni...
Potato blight, caused by the pathogen Phytophthora infestans, is a major concern for potato growers. The disease thrives in humid...
Haulm destruction in potatoes can be achieved by mechanical or chemical methods or using a combination of the two. Bed...
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) are an important global food since they are rich incarbohydrates and offer significant amounts of protein, vitamins,...
Potatoes are a cornerstone of Emilia-Romagna's agricultural economy, particularly notable for the production of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)...