Consulting and research organization Delphy has started a study to inject slurry into potato seed potatoes in a row using GPS.

n this trial, the slurry was injected at the location where the potato ridge comes. The manure is therefore concentrated close to the seed potato. In the study, Delphy compares half a dose using this method with full-field application of slurry. The potential emissions will be lower with this approach, Delphy expects.
The research is being carried out on behalf of the province of Flevoland and in the context of the Soil & Water Action Plan (ABW). The aim is to examine to what extent it is possible to reduce the dosage of slurry in seed potatoes, without making concessions to yield and quality.
Less emissions
The concentration of the manure at the destination should improve the utilization of minerals by the seed potatoes. According to Delphy, it should potentially not only be possible to reduce the dosage of slurry. Furthermore, there will be less emission of nutrients to the soil and surface water.
ABW is a partnership between LTO, the Zuiderzeeland water board and the province of Flevoland. The action plan actively seeks connections between existing and new initiatives in agriculture, brings parties together and encourages entrepreneurs to take the next step towards sustainable agriculture with a focus on soil and water management.

Explanation on Field Day
The objects for research into different methods for applying slurry in seed potatoes have been laid out on a demo plot at Swifterbant in Flevoland. This year, Delphy is organizing the Field Day Seed Potatoes on 8 July on this plot. The results of the test are then explained.