In 2022, the cultivation area for ware potatoes in The Netherlands increased by 5,500 hectares (7.7%) to a total of 76,900 hectares. This is a shift, taking into account that the areas declined in 2020 and 2021.
Over the past year, there have been decreases in cultivation areas for seed potatoes (-1%) and starch potatoes (-4%), according to the provisional results from the 2022 Agricultural Census, conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).
This year, the ware potatoes accounted for nearly half (47%) of total potato acreage. Seed potatoes and starch potatoes both took up 26.5% of the total Dutch planting area.
The area devoted to all arable crops in The Netherlands had decreased by over 15% as of 2000. Yet, this year, the agricultural area devoted to arable crop farming has increased by 10,500 hectares (2%) to 536,000 ha.