The government of the Chinese village of Xiadaogancun in Xunke County, located on the banks of the Amur, opposite the Mikhailovsky District, published a video about the progress in the development of the village over the past 20 years.
“I was secretary of the village’s party cell from 2000 to 2010. It is made up entirely of the descendants of emigrants from Shandong and Hebei provinces and is over 100 years old,” a local former party official told the camera. “This year I am already 88 years old. 500 residents of this village are my countrymen. They all came from the same village in Shandong,” said one of the local old-timers.
Dong Desheng, a Chinese blogger of Russian origin, also lives in Xiadaogancun. In addition to blogging, in recent years he has taken up e-commerce. Its total e-commerce revenue in 2021 was nearly 10 million yuan. Dong Desheng sells agricultural products from Xunke County, including buying some of the food from local farmers.
“He feeds many families in our village. We are now planting potatoes. When they grow up, we cook them and cut them into chips. Potato chips are very popular in China,” said one of the villagers.
“In a few words, our village is one hard-working and friendly family,” the former party official added.