The French fresh potato market is currently moving at a moderate pace, both in wholesale and in large distribution. The product offering has been expanded, both in terms of the number of references (particularly those weighing 2.5 kg) and in volume, which should reach a significant degree.
Portugal, on the other hand, now imports very little and relies on locally produced early potatoes to meet its needs. Central and Eastern European countries remain very active in the market, importing significant quantities of products of various characteristics (firm meat and consumption) to meet local demand, which is met on the one hand by domestic production and on the other by imports from other countries, like Germany.
In terms of prices, Agata France washed category 1 in 12.5 kg containers for the French market traded at EUR550/ton in week 18 (the same price as the previous week), while Agata France washed category 1 in a bag of 1 t for export did not quote.