Europatat calls on the European Parliament for an urgent solution inrestoring normal EU-GB trade in seed potatoes
Today the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development held an “Exchange ofviews on the disruption in the EU-GB trade in seed potatoes”1 to which Europatat was invited to speak.Europatat used this opportunity to highlight the impact of there being no agreement on the European potatosupply chain.
In his introductory speech, Mr. Romans Vorss, Europatat Technical Director stated: “Since 1 January 2021,the European Union no longer allows the import of seed potatoes from Great Britain due to existing EU PlantHealth Regulations and the lack of an agreement on equivalence requirements. The UK Government hasrestricted the marketing of EU seed potatoes within GB. This impasse severely affects the European potatosupply chain. The non-agreement denies EU’s sector access to certain varieties which are only available in GBand limits the EU’s export oportunities to GB. Many businesses across the EU including breeders, seed traders,seed growers, and consumption potato growers are affected. This will hit the Irish industry especially hard asthey rely heavily on the import of Scottish seed potatoes of certain varieties which cannot be sourced fromanywhere else. These varieties make an important contribution towards EU biodiversity and food security,which is particularly crucial these days.”
Europatat called on MEPs in the Agriculture Committee and the European Commission to break thedeadlock and to reach an agreement on both a transitional arrangement and a long-term solution toresume the bilateral trade in seed potatoes. It is especially important that this is done soon to avoid thepossibility of regulatory divergence emerging between the EU and UK markets, further hindering theopportunities for mutually beneficial bilateral trade.
Mr Tigran Richter, Europatat’s Seed Commission Chairman, concluded: “The non-agreement affects many EUcountries including Spain, France, Denmark, Poland, Finland, Slovenia and Czechia. Therefore, it is a Europeanissue and we need an agreement between the EU and the UK. The lack of agreement could lead to bilateralnegotiations between the UK and EU Member States regarding the export to GB. This may lead tomisalignment and potentially unfair practices and issues of competition between countries from the bloc. Wegot the feeling that during the exchange of views many of MEPs supported our Europatat’s position. Thequestion of food security, biodiversity and climate change raised by several members of the discussion makesus believe that it is time to build a new type of relationship to maintain the good businesses relationship ofthe potato sector that we had in the past for common efforts to meet those challenges.”
Mr Tigran Richter, Europatat’s Seed Commission Chairman, concluded: “The non-agreement affects many EUcountries including Spain, France, Denmark, Poland, Finland, Slovenia and Czechia. Therefore, it is a Europeanissue and we need an agreement between the EU and the UK. The lack of agreement could lead to bilateralnegotiations between the UK and EU Member States regarding the export to GB. This may lead tomisalignment and potentially unfair practices and issues of competition between countries from the bloc. Wegot the feeling that during the exchange of views many of MEPs supported our Europatat’s position. Thequestion of food security, biodiversity and climate change raised by several members of the discussion makesus believe that it is time to build a new type of relationship to maintain the good businesses relationship ofthe potato sector that we had in the past for common efforts to meet those challenges.”
Note to editor: Europatat is the European Potato Trade Association, comprising both national associationsand individual companies involved in the trade of seed, ware and early potatoes throughout Europe. Itsmembers include a wide range of traders (including breeders, distributors, storers, packers, importers andexporters) delivering seed potatoes to farmers, raw material to the food industry, and packed potatoes to theretailers and food service sector.
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