Arable farmer Willem Tijsseling from Dronten is working on one of the last planting courses on the Ivetta’s (Europlant) plot for the table potato market. The planting runs smoothly on the deep-plowed plot of about ten percent siltable.
The chicory plot from last year was removed with the culter after the harvest. To exclude regrowth of the chicory roots, the plot was turned in advance with the Rumptstad eco team (15 centimeters).
Kverneland UN 3200 leg combination
Tijsseling can therefore easily handle the Baselier tiller and the Kverneland UN 3200 leg combination. The MITAS tires (800/65 / R38 at the rear) are neatly set at 0.5 bar.
With a planting distance of 28 centimeters, the grower from Eastern Flevoland expects the Ivettas to develop into a uniform batch. The table potatoes are grown under strict Planet Proof and Global Gap conditions.
Rhizoctonia protection
The seed potatoes have been treated with Amistar against Rhizoctonia . And as a fertilizer, a mix of APP (Ammonium Polyphosphate) and the starter fertilizer Powerbasic has been added to the seed row.
The APP ensures that ammonium nitrogen and polyphosphate are gradually converted into plant absorbable nitrogen (nitrate) and orthophosphate. Polyphosphates in the soil have also been attributed an increasing effect in making trace elements (magnesium, calcium, sulfur, boron, zinc, manganese) available in soils with a relatively high pH value.
The MF 6465 Dynashift has a 2.25 meter track due to the onion seeding. The rear wheels can simply be exchanged (reversed) for this. The front wheels are also custom made. With this track width, the tractor is convenient to use for moving the irrigation reel in the potatoes and onions.