In the Novosibirsk region, the area for planting open-ground vegetables and potatoes has increased, which means that there is no need to worry about the presence of a “borscht set” on the shelves.
A set of potatoes and vegetables necessary in any household – onions, carrots, cabbage and beets – this is the so-called “borscht set”, and the rise in price of its components seriously affects the family budget. Administrative containment of prices for vegetables is an extreme measure and not very effective. It is better if the region independently provides itself with the necessary products in sufficient quantities.
Even 15–20 years ago, the issue was resolved at the expense of the gardens of the villagers and the dachas of the townspeople. But the “fat” zero years significantly reduced people’s interest in a very tedious task. The provision of potatoes and vegetables almost completely fell on the shoulders of collective farms and individual entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector. They honorably bear the burden placed on them, but so far they cannot completely cover the region’s need for products of the “borscht set”.
However, there is an increase in the production of potatoes and open-field vegetables, and it is very stable. According to the Minister of Agriculture of the Novosibirsk Region Yevgeny Leshchenko, vegetable growers have very positive plans for the current agricultural season: the sown area of open ground vegetables in agricultural organizations and farms will increase this year by 23% at once and will amount to 900 hectares. Potato planting areas will increase by 8% and reach 3,200 hectares.
Shakir Suleymanov demonstrates cabbage seedlings grown in the farm’s greenhouses.
One of the “locomotives” of growth and, in fact, the leader of this industry is the Dary Ordynska OPH, which is in many ways a unique farm. Shakir Suleymanov created it from scratch a little over 10 years ago, and year after year the enterprise not only develops, but also sets trends for other vegetable growers in the region. In particular, in terms of seed production. In March of this year, at the Council for the Development of the Agroindustrial Complex, Shakir Ibadetovich paid special attention to this, the governor of the region, Andrei Travnikov.
- In Russia and our region, their own seed production and selection for most vegetable crops are very poorly developed. There is some seed production for potatoes, including our farm, but for carrots, beets and cabbage, we are completely dependent on imports. Same with plant protection products. It is clear that creating your own selection, seed production from scratch is 5, 7, 10 years, but you need to start this so that there is confidence and reliability in the future. Let at first it will not be such fruitful varieties as the current imported ones. But if we say “food security”, then own seeds are one of its most important elements,” Shakir Suleymanov emphasized.
thousand tons of potatoes and 162 thousand tons of open field vegetables were grown in 2021 in the Novosibirsk Region by all categories of farms.
This year, “Gifts of Ordynsk” has grown in areas for all vegetables and potatoes – a total of 650 hectares. More than 2,000 hectares will be occupied by grain crops; three brand new grain harvesters have already been purchased and delivered to the farms for the upcoming harvest. In total, more than 25 units of various equipment and machinery have already been purchased in 2022. But the main reserve for the future is the continuation of the construction of climate-controlled frame and frameless vegetable stores to the already four existing ones. Shakir Ibadetovich nurtured this project for more than a year, and its implementation is already beginning.
“This is a big investment, but a necessary one,” said Shakir Suleymanov. – The complex will consist of seven frame and four frameless storage facilities, the builders have already arrived, we will start soon. According to the plans, the completion of the project is scheduled for 2025, but I am sure that everything will be done much earlier. About 30-40 additional jobs will be created here, packaging will also be organized, we plan to pack already peeled vegetables and potatoes in vacuum packaging – both in the form of a set and individually beets, carrots, potatoes.
Potatoes in “Gifts of Ordynsk” this year were placed on an area of more than 450 hectares.
According to the Minister of Agriculture Yevgeny Leshchenko, there are three main factors hindering the more rapid development of vegetable growing in the open field. Firstly, very expensive equipment for planting and harvesting potatoes and vegetables. Secondly, it is necessary to purchase ameliorative systems. And by the way, in the region up to 70% of the cost of such systems is subsidized from the regional budget as part of state support for agricultural production. But it is the storages that are the cornerstone, without which there is no way.
“The inability to fully store the entire crop, among other things, affects retail pricing,” the minister noted. “Until March-April, the situation can still be easily controlled, but for the remaining 4-5 months we are still dependent on supplies from other regions and neighboring countries. However, the example of Gifts of Ordynsk, where equipment is bought, irrigation systems and warehouses are built, gives hope that the situation will improve every year.
Shakir Suleymanov also looks to the future with optimism. 10 thousand tons of this year’s potato harvest have already been sold in advance to one of the largest retail chains in the region. And the first harvest of the “second bread” will be harvested from July 5, 10 days earlier than last year.
The farm is actively planting cabbage.
“We have been planting early varieties of potatoes for several years to minimize the time when our residents depend on imported ones. And I want to tell all Novosibirsk residents that they don’t have to worry about the availability and quality of the “borscht set” in stores. We are doing and will do everything possible for this,” Shakir Suleymanov assured.
EVGENY LESCHENKO, Minister of Agriculture of the Novosibirsk Region:
“Today, the self-sufficiency of our region in open ground vegetables is 43 percent, in potatoes – 81 percent. To improve the situation, by the end of 2022 we will develop a state subprogram in this area. In addition, in order to attract representatives of small businesses to vegetable growing in 2022, the priority of providing grants for farmers is given to those who grow vegetables.