Pathogen. The grey mold fungus persists on dead or dying plant material in the soil.
Disease development. Cool, humid conditions and dense crop canopies favour infection. The fungus penetrates leaves through wounds or
diseased tissues. It can infect damaged tubers at harvest, during transit or when grading.

develop on the tips or margins of leaflets.

tips of leaflets, where salty water drops are
exuded by the leaflets and injure the tips.

but can be distinguished by the dense, dark
mycelium and spores produced in humid weather

blight. The distinctive feature is that the grey
mold fungus produces a dense, grey fungal
growth on the lesions.


spores are produced on the stems when the
weather is wet. Affected stems become hollow.

the skin, tissues are soft and wet, but with time
will darken and develop into a dry rot.