BO Akkerbouw has submitted an application to the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality for an extension of its research program up to and including 2030. With joint knowledge development and knowledge dissemination, the BO supports arable farmers in areas such as soil management, crop protection and precision agriculture. Director André Hoogendijk: “Since 2016, arable farmers have been at the helm of their own research program. We are managing to quadruple the financial contributions of arable farmers. At the request of the sector, we are happy to continue this. ”
BO Akkerbouw submitted the application for a binding declaration of the research program to the ministry last October. The application has now been opened for an internet consultation to which all interested parties can respond. BO Akkerbouw will start a new call for research wishes in January 2021. All arable farmers can then indicate their wishes and ideas, just like two years ago. Hoogendijk: “We are conducting the research program at the request of arable farmers in the Netherlands. They themselves direct new research. We work together with the ministry for legal anchoring. ”
Changes for new period
There are some differences in the new program compared to the current program:
- the new program has a duration of 10 years (2021-2030), while the current program has a duration of 5 years (2016-2020). The new period is in line with the term of the Plant Health Action Plan and the Arable Farming Climate Agenda;
- the new application is based on a recognition from BO Akkerbouw for potatoes, sugar beets and grains. The current program is based on separate recognitions for the BO Granen, the BO Suiker and the BO Potatoes. Due to new European legislation, this can now be administratively merged;
- the annual amount for the period 2021-2030 has been adjusted for inflation compared to the period 2016-2020. At the request of the sector, it was decided to attribute this correction mainly to the seed potato crop, because this crop has on average a higher yield than the consumption potato crop.
Nieuwe hectarebedragen
De financiële bijdragen hebben in de nieuwe periode betrekking op dezelfde gewassen als in de afgelopen periode. Ook past BO Akkerbouw nog steeds een korting van 50 euro toe op telers die een machtiging hebben verstrekt voor hun teeltgegevens bij
De bijdragen voor de gewassen zijn als volgt (met ter vergelijking de oude bedragen):
- zetmeelaardappelen € 9,00 per hectare (was € 8,80)
- consumptieaardappelen € 13,50 per hectare (was € 13,20)
- pootaardappelen € 16,00 per hectare (was € 13,20)