Variable leaf killing in potatoes results in an average saving of 22 percent on the amount of leaf killing. Converted, this results in cost savings of 8.61 euros per hectare. This is the experience of seven participants in the National Laboratory for Precision Agriculture (NPPL). In 2018 and 2019 they experimented with this application of precision agriculture.
In 2018 and 2019, seven NPPL participants started working on variable leaf killing of potatoes. They did this with the then still authorized agent Reglone. On average, they saved 22 percent on the amount of pesticides compared to the standard dosage. Converted, this results in cost savings of 8.61 euros per hectare. Compared to the values given in the KWIN, the savings are considerably greater, but according to the WUR experts who supervise these seven companies, this is not realistic. They assume that even more can be saved if the dose can vary per cap. Because less haulm kills are used, there is also less chance of drift and leaching. This ensures a lower environmental impact. Reglone has made significant environmental gains in aquatic life.
Different situations
Variable haulm killing can be performed in various ways and in different situations. As with an even crop, crop with more variety and more natural dieback. In addition, through the use of satellite or drone images or a sensor on the tractor.
Calculations for different scenarios show that most ways of applying variable haulm killing pay for themselves. Using more expensive resources, such as Quickdown and Spotlight, is more likely to yield positive results than using cheaper resources, such as Reglone in the past. If there is little variation within a plot, the savings will also be less. This means that investments in sensors and adjustments on the spraying machine pay off less quickly. The use of satellite and drone images are then a possible option. However, the use of drone images is a relatively expensive option that does not always outweigh the gains that can be made by using less substance. Is there a high variation within the parcels.

Little experience
According to the relevant experts at WUR, the fact that there is still little experience with other means after the ban on Reglone also plays a role in the use of variable haulm killing. Although this has not yet been extensively tested in practice, the researchers expect the effectiveness of the other means to be equally good.
Weed pressure
Another factor in the use of a lower amount of pesticides is that the weed pressure increases. However, none of the seven participants within NPPL experienced a higher weed pressure compared to full-field spraying.