NPPL farmers: effect of wet spring varies greatly now
The relatively wet spring has a different impact on the companies of the NPPL participants. This is apparent from a telephone ...
The relatively wet spring has a different impact on the companies of the NPPL participants. This is apparent from a telephone ...
spot sprayer is no longer completely new, it’s technology is still grappling with the challenge of ‘green on green’ recognition,
The weed control solutions from are being brought into use for the first time in Switzerland.
ARA is an ultra-high precision sprayer that is mounted behind a tractor. It is able to distinguish crops from weeds, ...
In addition to sugar beets, the sowing and weeding robot is also suitable for the cultivation of onions and rapeseed.
URBANA, Ill. – Scientists are getting closer to finding the genes for maleness in waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, two of ...
BREAKING old cycles and farming in a more unpredictable way is necessary to upset the evolutionary response of weeds, according ...
Wildflowers grown in strips through potato crops could control disease-carrying aphids and may help growers faced with a dwindling number ...
Widely used herbicides are struggling to kill some weeds. Some experts think heat could be part of the problem. AROUND ...
BOZEMAN — Montana State University Extension has a new, free, 40-page color booklet available about diagnosing herbicide injury on plants. “While herbicides ...
RWTH Aachen University and the Aachen Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK Aachen) have joined forces to take the Aachen-based ...
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