Combating Wireworms: Insights from the Inaugural European Wireworm Research Network Meeting
On 7 July, Europatat participated in the inaugural meeting of the European Wireworm Research Network (EWRN) held in Oslo, preceding ...
On 7 July, Europatat participated in the inaugural meeting of the European Wireworm Research Network (EWRN) held in Oslo, preceding ...
The World Meeting of Agricultural Experts intends to discuss the pressing problem of wireworm infestation of potato crops. The EWRN ...
#InvasiveSpecies #BiodiversityThreat #ControlMeasures #CarduusAcanthoidesControl Carduus acanthoides, commonly known as spiny plumeless thistle, is an invasive plant species that is rapidly ...
#SavingWhitePines #PissodesStrobiInfestation #ForestHealth #InsectPestControl #EcologicalImpact #ForestryIndustry The Pissodes strobi, also known as the white pine weevil, is a devastating insect ...
#InvasiveSpecies #AgricultureIndustry #CropProtection #BiologicalControl #CulturalPractices The Imported Cabbageworm, scientifically known as Pieris rapae, is a destructive pest that feeds on ...
#PestControl #BiologicalControl #Agriculture #Ecosystems #GreenPest #CropRotation #StinkBugControl Green stink bugs (Nezara viridula) are insects that feed on a wide range ...
#Agriculture #PestControl #PotatoCrops #InvasiveSpecies #BiologicalControl #EnvironmentalImpact The three-lined potato beetle, also known as Lema trilineata, is a major pest of ...
#IPM #PlantResistance #FoodSecurity #SustainableAgriculture #SmallBrownPlanthopper #LaodelphaxStriatellus #BiologicalControl #Insecticides #CropRotation Laodelphax striatellus, also known as the Small brown planthopper, is a ...
#SaveOurPines #HylobiusAbietis #PineWeevil #ForestEcosystems #BiologicalControl #PheromoneTrapping #EnvironmentalRisks #Biodiversity #ClimateChange Hylobius abietis, commonly known as the pine weevil, is a destructive ...
#agriculturalpests #cropinfestation #potatofarming #integratedpestmanagement #foodsecurity. Ernobius mollis, commonly known as the potato stalk weevil, is a significant pest that affects ...
Epitrix spp., commonly known as flea beetles, are a group of plant pests that can cause significant damage to crops ...
#ProtectingSweetPotatoes #Cylasformicarius #SweetPotatoWeevil #IntegratedPestManagement #CulturalPractices #BiologicalControl #ChemicalControl #SustainableManagement Cylas formicarius, commonly known as the sweet potato weevil, is a pest ...
#CombattingPhthorimaeaOperculella #PotatoMothMenace #PotatoCrops #PestControl #BiologicalControl #CulturalControl #EconomicLosses #FoodSecurity Phthorimaea operculella, commonly known as the potato tuber moth or potato moth, ...
#PotatoFusariumDryRot #Fusariumspp. #culturalpractices #chemicalcontrol #biologicalcontrol #potatoproduction Potato Fusarium Dry Rot is a fungal disease that affects potatoes, causing them to ...
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