1st Inning with UPL :
Changed the face of cold storage industry & post harvest management by standardisation of Potato storage at elevated temperatures ( Under Oorja – CIPC ) in the country. Thousand plus Cold Storages ( Nos. are increasing every years) has been adopted the technology & saving the millions of rupees in electricity & helping in dicreasing the Corbon emissions.
Lakhs of farmers are earning premium on their produce. Processing
industry are getting round the year raw material, consumers are happy to eat quality potato & exporters are able to export the Potato without any fear of damage & loss.
I would like to give my heartiest thanks to UPL for providing me an opportunity to contribute for Indian Agriculture & my sincere gratitude to all stake holders for appreciatinng our efforts at different platform to do our best for the betterment of Potato industry. Our special gratitude to CPRI for their enormous contribution & support to establishing the post harvest technology in the country.
Now ready to take off with my 2nd Inning –
Air Aloo ( Tissues Culture – Seed Potato)
We are confident that Tissue culture-Aeroponic system of seed multiplication will be an another milestone which will change the whole paradigm of the Indian Potato Industry. Now farmers understand the importance of quality seeds & willing to change the seed at desirable intervals(replacement rate is increasing with good pace).
Now Farmers also have the multiple option to get the quality material . In this Scenario we at Jain Irrigation are committed to play a vital role in income growth of potato farmers & stake holders.