Later this week, potato breeding companies in the Netherlands will all present their new varieties and seedlings during the annual Dutch potato variety presentations.
This annual event is probably the time of year that you can go see and discuss more potato varieties than on any other day, as not only Dutch companies show their new material, but also companies from Belgium, Germany, France and the United Kingdom.
For potato company Agrico, the variety show is also an important element on its calendar of events.
Agrico Research potato variety presentation
In cooperation with its affiliated growers, Agrico’s breeding and research facility Agrico Research is responsible for developing new potato varieties for all the markets Agrico is active in.
These varieties form the core of the Agrico organisation.
Agrico Research opens its doors on November 8 and 9 to breeders, strain selectors, growers, customers, processing companies and interested parties from all over the world to inspect and assess the latest results of its breeding activities in Bant, near Emmeloord.
This year’s theme at Agrico: Ukraine
Just like every year, Agrico’s variety show is inspired by a specific country.
This year the spotlights are on the Ukraine.
Potatoes are the most important vegetable crop in Ukraine. In terms of production volume, Ukraine ranks fifth in the world after China, India, Russia and the United States.
The most widely grown potato varieties are: Riviera, Arizona, Evolution, Picasso, Rudolph, Constance, Esmee and Arsenal. In Ukraine the majority of potatoes are traditionally grown by farmers and by families in their own vegetable plots (mainly for their own consumption).
These growers use outdated cultivation technology and seed potatoes of very poor quality. The crops produce low yields. The average potato yield in Ukraine is 16 tons per hectare, while in EU countries the average ranges between 26 to 35 tons per hectare.
However, the commercial potato growing sector is developing. The area under cultivation by commercial potato growers has gradually expanded to between 60 and 65 thousand hectares (approximately 5% of the total area of agricultural land in Ukraine). This increase in potato production is driven by general growth in the sales volumes of fresh vegetables in the retail sector and by new initiatives in the processing industry.
Agrico Spotlight varieties
At this variety show, the spotlights will shine on Agrico’s ‘next generation potatoes’: Alouette, Carolus, Twinner, Twister, Levante, Nofy and ‘potentials’ Jacky, Beyonce and Ardeche.
These varieties are unique in their kind thanks to their natural resistance to the major disease that affects potatoes, Phytophthora. A wonderful series of complementary varieties with outstanding consumption qualities.

Agrico’s newly listed potato variety Ardeche is suitable for the production of potato starch or flakes. This relatively early variety is resistant to Phytophthora in foliage and tuber as well as to diseases caused by nematodes.These varieties are suitable for conventional and organic growing methods for a sustainable future worldwide.
New on the variety list
This year saw the appearance of three new Agrico varieties on the Dutch Variety List:
- Ardeche: a relatively early, Phytophthora resistant (in foliage and tuber) starch variety with resistance to diseases caused by nematodes. Also suitable for flakes.
- Nofy: a Phytophthora resistant (in foliage and tuber) starch variety with a good starch yield per hectare
- Twister: a quite early table potato for organic and conventional growing methods with a good yield and Phytophthora resistant in foliage and tuber.
All three newcomers are members of Agrico’s ‘next generation’ varieties. The next generation varieties offer traits that include their good resistance to Phytophthora.