Rahul Basuta, Deputy Manager at MAHINDRA HZPC PRIVATE LIMITED, brings exciting news about the ongoing field activities in Northern India. The potato planting process is nearly complete, with a slight delay noted in Punjab province, attributed to unusual rainfall in the first fortnight of October.
In his update, Basuta emphasizes the commitment of Mahindra HZPC to providing thorough training to contract farming growers. The focus is on achieving the highest potato yield per unit, maintaining a favorable seed grade ratio, ensuring disease-free seed production, and maximizing net profit per acre.

Mahindra HZPC’s dedication to excellence in potato cultivation shines through in their efforts to equip growers with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful season. Despite the weather challenges, optimism prevails for a fruitful and productive potato season in the region.
As we look ahead, the emphasis remains on training, sustainable practices, and achieving the best possible outcomes for both growers and the industry. Stay tuned for more updates on the progress of this exciting potato season in Northern India.