HuizingHarvest provides technical outsourcing in the agricultural industry. Our skilled team of specialists provides technical support, operator training, harvest optimization, equipment checks, installation of machines and machinery modifications around the world. We recruit specialized agricultural crew members who have practical experience with various type of machinery and are able to share this knowledge. We value improving processes, that’s why our crew is regularly trained in new techniques and technologies. We strive to inform all our customers about the best practices that we can find worldwide. The HuizingHarvest head office is located in the Netherlands, we also have specialists who are located in Russia and other countries.
One of the most popular crop in The Netherlands is the potato. As there are many companies who export potato machinery and storage systems to Russia. It is really important to know what the main purposes are for those machines and why the machine is set in a certain way. HuizingHarvest can support potato production facilities in all states of the production. We have the practical and educative skills to optimize the machinery in the field and teach operators how to work with machinery.
With the pre-season checks we can help any farm to ensure euipment is in good shape to enter the fields. This means checking over all coulters, bearings, webs etc. When all the equipment is serviced and the fields are getting dry we start in the field. How deep should the field be cultivated before the planting, or is plowing a better option? How deep should the tubers be planted? We ensure that the operator knows what to do to provide the tuber with the optimal conditions to obtain a high yield. In our experience the bottleneck in harvest are the logistics. Big volumes should often be transported over long distances on back roads. Is an extra rental truck to expensive or is it more expensive to make the harvester wait with a filled hopper? When the crop arrives on the yard we make sure the storage systems are working proper so the crop will be transfered as fast and gentle as possible. When all steps in harvesting are well coordinated, everything is running at full capacity and the potatoes are taken out of the field before the winter comes we are fully satisfied.
We gain experience by working in different countries, weather- and soilconditions. We work for machines manufacturers, investors and large farming organisations on wide variety of machines. The same applies for our experience with potato’s, some expamples of our projects worldwide:
- Provding technical and practical assistent for a potato harvest demo in Poland.
- Installation of Potato sorting lines in China.
- Optimalization of the potato cultivation in Mali.
- Assisting with the startup of potato cultivation in Burundi.
- Installation of a storage line in Ukraine and Russia.
- Starting up planting machines in Senegal.
- Starting up a harvesting machine in Iraq.
- Providing mechanization training in Algeria.
HuizingHarvest BV
Phileas Foggstraat 76
7825 AM Emmen
The Netherlands
Tel+31 (0) 88 42 78 306