The Elora Research Station in Ontario will host its annual open house event next Wednesday, August 11. Everyone who is interested in potato research is invited to come see the new variety demonstration plots in the field.
“Chipping, fresh market and french fry lines will be on display,” says Vanessa, potato researcher. “This includes elite selections from the National Potato Breeding Program-AAFC, promising lines from Michigan State, Wisconsin and more.”
The plots will only be on display from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Researchers from the University of Guelph will be on hand to discuss their work.

• New Variety trials: Vanessa Currie UGuelph, Dr David DeKoeyer AAFC
• Potato Early Dying: Griffin Bailey
• Potato Starch: Dr. Ian Tetlow and Victoria Butler
• Colorado Potato Beetle: Dr. Angela Gradish and Graham Ansell
Practical arrangements
Here’s what you need to know to safely visit the research station:
• No access to the station buildings. A portable toilet will be available.
• No lunch available this year. Water and pop will be offered.
• No tour wagon this year. You must drive directly to the plots in your own vehicle. Directions and signs will be visible.
• Visitors must provide contact information upon arrival at the station.
Please contact Vanessa Currie to register for the open house: