Following the new Europatat Strategy adopted by the General Assembly on 30 May in Dublin (Ireland), Europatat has recently organised virtual meetings of its new Consumption Potatoes and Sustainability commissions.
Whilst the Consumption Potatoes commission gathers the main actors from the fresh potato trade sector (previously split in the early, ware and packers commissions), the Sustainability one is open to all Europatat members, serving as platform for discussing definitions and defining key indicators to be used by the sector. At the Consumption Potatoes commission, participants reviewed the ongoing potato harvesting season, which has been delayed due to the effects of this year’s summer draught in Europe and which could result in one of the smallest crops ever. The presentation and minutes of both meetings are now available to members.
This month, Europatat will hold the virtual meetings of the Seed Potatoes Commission on 15 November and the Technical and Regulatory Commission on 25 Novembers.