The fungicidal potato stain Monceren Pro must no longer be used. The permissible residue levels for this have been reduced. The Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety revoked the approval from January 6, 2021. There are no sales or use-up periods.
he approval for the fungicidal preparation with the active ingredient pencycuron was revoked on January 5, 2021 . There are no sales and use-up periods. This means that the pickling agent may no longer be used from the key date.
The preparation contains, in addition to the Kontaktwirktoff pencycuron the triazole active ingredient prothioconazole. Both work against tuberous Rhizoctonia solani, the causative agent of the root killer disease. Prothioconazole also prevents silver scab from spreading through infected tubers. So the agent stopped an important source of infection.
Background: The maximum residue levels have been reduced
In the EU, the maximum residue levels for active ingredients in plant protection products are regularly checked. With Regulation 2020/785 of the EU Commission of June 16, 2020, the levels of pencycuron in potatoes were drastically reduced: from 0.1 to the lower limit of quantification of 0.02 mg / kg.
An examination by the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety ( BVL ) showed that this value for Pencycuron cannot be maintained when using Monceren Pro. The regulation and thus the end for Monceren Pro will apply from January 6, 2021.
Stop treating potatoes with the Monceren Pro fungicide treatment
This means that it is no longer possible to stain with the preparation during storage. The use of the product either in the autumn after sorting or before filling in the spring is no longer permitted. Treatment with a fine spray device, e.g. mounted on a roller conveyor belt, is no longer permitted.
The same applies to pickling during planting: It is no longer possible, as was possible with spraying equipment, for example as a mounting kit mounted on the planting machine with full cone nozzles. From the end of 2020, the product will also be over.