The average price of arable land rose in the fourth quarter of 2020 to € 74,100 per hectare, a plus of 6.5 percent. Over the whole of 2020, the average land price for arable land is € 71,800 per hectare, which is slightly above the average in 2019 (€ 71,200 per hectare).

This is evident from quarterly figures from the Land Registry. Grassland also increased in value: over the whole of 2020, the hectare price rose by 3.4 percent to an average of € 58,400.
The average agricultural land price in the Netherlands in the fourth quarter of 2020 was € 65,300 per hectare, a 7.6 percent higher price than in the third quarter. The land price for the whole of 2020 was € 63,600. The land price is therefore 2.7 percent higher than in 2019, when an average of € 61,900 was paid for one hectare of land.
Ground mobility is increasing
In the fourth quarter, 10,900 hectares of agricultural land was traded, which is 1,500 hectares (or 16 percent) more than in the same quarter of 2019. In the whole of 2020, 31,400 hectares of land was traded. This is a plus compared to 2019, when 29,400 hectares were transferred, but less than in 2018 and 2017 (35,600 hectares and 34,400 hectares respectively). Relative land mobility – the area traded compared to the total area of agricultural land – amounted to 1.74 percent in 2020 compared to 1.62 percent in 2019.